The Final Clue - time to guess


Congratulatons Joanna - no she hasn't broken her arm, she's just showing us the jewellery she won for the closest guess for our Valentines day kilometres! Her guess was 3089 kilometres. Although the closest guess she was around 500 kilometres out - we'll leave you to guess whether it was over or under...

So start looking at Google maps - calculate our final distance.

Remember prize one for the closest to our final kilometre count is for five days for two in our Kini Cat Cottage, with a celebratory dinner one night at a seafront taverna, transfers from the port in Syros and a two day stopover in an hotel in Athens, so you can explore the sights. Dates to be decided by mutual arrangement.

All you have to do is donate 20 Euros to our cat cause and send a message to detailing your guesses. there will be consolation prizes for the highest altitude we reached and the amount we spent on fuel for the trip. For those of you who have already donated, you just need to send in your guesses.

The final deadline is midnight UK time on Friday 31st March. - Don't delay, get those guesses!


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