14th February 2023. Time for the first guess!


Example of SilverHind jewellery

The following weekend I was back down to Windsor and a family excursion on the train to London and the British Museum. On the Monday, I drove into London to collect Jacky and her chair. It took three attempts to get it inside, but we succeeded without having to pass it in through the roof. We had an uneventful trip back up to Shropshire to stay the night with JR and load up my tool chest, which he had been taking good care of for the last 10 years. The chest weighs at least a 100 kilos and Aimile's springs went oof! under the weight. However there was more to come at my daughter's.

JR had an early start as he was working in Scotland. Chris and I set off a bit later. He was driving gingerly with all the extra weight and me as well! But the newly refurbished sweetly-purring Aimile, seemed to cope easily. My friends have been phoning regularly to ask when I'm flying back to Syros - they can't believe I'm in this for the long haul... but the car is surprisingly comfortable and has been warm. Sure there are a few drips when it rains hard - but we've been lucky with the weather and many days have been bright and sunny, if a little cold. 

Today is St Valentine's day. He was a third century Roman saint, probably a clergyman who ministered to persecuted Christians. He met a sad end being martyred for his efforts. Geoffrey Chaucer and others probably invented the stories, which linked him with romantic love. He's now been well and truly commercialised!

Mid-day has us somewhere between Whitchurch and Shrewsbury stopped for fuel. Another motorist is tooting as we try to get the photo of the distance gauge along with Chris's watch to confirm the time and place. We'll publish it later.

It's not too late to join our 'guess the distance' competition to benefit Syros Cats. While I've been away, my volunteers have been working tirelessly, helping with sterilisations, rescuing cats in need and caring for around 100 cats at our rescue and in the local village. I hope many of you will want to support their efforts. For those who missed the earlier posts, you get 4 guesses about various aspects of our journey to win prizes, the main one being accommodation and extras in Syros and London.

You should have all the clues you need now, to make your first guess. We're neutral, we haven't made the calculations ourselves yet, so we don't give too much away.

The deadline for entries is Sunday 5th March.

Remember - guesses should be in kilometres from Syros Port to St Valentine and all places between

Only distances covered by Aimile under his own steam count

It's the car distance you are calculating

There are clues about our route peppered into our blogs

The entry fee is 20 Euros. For that you get this guess and three more at the end of the trip. So you need to keep following this blog.

The fee is a donation to Syros Cats - all prizes are donated. You can pay via PayPal  syroscats@hotmail.co.uk

Or to our UK or Greek bank accounts - details on our website syroscats.com

However you donate, you should send us a message through Syros Cats website, so we have your details and can contact you, if you are the lucky winner of our specially handcrafted silver jewellery donated by Sue at silverhind-jewellery.com - check out her website to admire her work.

Please use 'Aimile' as a reference, so we can identify your payment as a competition entry.

Good luck everyone...


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