The Countdown Begins...

I’ve had my first driving lesson – it was a bit scary, but Chris, Aimile’s owner was very patient with me. I hope I remember the complicated gears and Aimile’s requirement for a firm hand with the steering wheel – He doesn’t have power steering. Although I was previously referring to Aimile as female, my French friends have put me right – it’s definitely a male French name! The indicators and handbrake are a bit quaint too and he sounds like a plane taking off when I manage to find second gear. I guess I’ll get a feel for him when we get on the road. 


This week he’s been in a local garage. The ‘Boys at Parakopi’ have taken a great interest in the trip and are working hard to replace parts, make the suspension a bit more comfortable for and generally ensuring he is ‘melodiki’.  I’ll still be taking my pillow though and even if the heater is now working, we’ll be packing a couple of sleeping bags and a thermos flask, in case we get stuck somewhere! 


My friends vacillate between envy, incredulity and contempt for a plan that confirms my stupidity. But I am not deterred. I have faith that Aimile, the hero of this tale, will perform well. 


The competition rules will be announced tomorrow, with details of prizes and how you can enter! Watch this space and please tell all your friends. It’s for a good cause – the needy cats of Syros. Hopefully we’ll get lots of people following us – do leave us a comment to encourage us and introduce yourself. The first clues will follow shortly… 


Thanks to everyone who gave us suggestions for places to buy snow chains or shoes. We’ll look for them on the mainland on our way through. In the meantime, Aimile has new winter tyres, to help us on our journey and as I said before, we’re not planning to be too adventurous, or seek snowy places – not on the way over, anyway. 


It’s raining in Syros today. We’re hoping it will clear before we leave Syros next Wednesday… 


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