On the Road - watch out for clues about our route

My sense of direction isn't very good and the sat-nav has no idea where we are. I struggle with google maps on my mobile phone as I try to get us out of the port. A one-time boyfriend told me that it was because I was brought up in London and didn't pick up clues from the environment. maybe he was right, but since living most of the time on a rural Greek island, nothing much has improved and I still don't know my left from my right!

Thankfully there are better road signs here than in Patras as we speed along a bypass for this watery place.

A poet describes it ' A city without joy or weariness, itself beholding, from itself aloof.'  I'm not sure I agree - I've had some fun times here in the past. But no time to rest, we need to speed along the road, as well as Aimile is able, to arrive at a friend's apartment before it's too late.

It's dark quickly but a good road well-marked, with regular toll stations. We speed past a couple of other Shakespearean locations. It's Saturday, so there are not too many trucks and we make good progress. Aimile's engine is purring at around 80 kilometres an hour with just over 400 kilometres to go. We debated whether to stop halfway, but Chris was happy with the driving, so we pressed on. A short stop revitalised us with cold drinks and pizza and a petrol fix for the car. 

Arriving in time for wine and a cake, specially baked for us. Yanic, a huge Irish wolfhound, Cedric an elderly fox terrier and Caesar the cat were waiting to greet us along with our generous hosts and their daughter. Aimile waited patiently on the road outside - she turns a few heads as we travel.

Time to hit the hay. We've got another full day to enjoy this stylish city and tomorrow is another day...


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