

Hi I'm Chris, (aka Pugwash a source of incredible mirth to my Australian friends). I've known Jacky 8 years and her team are currently nursing a 10 year old very under- nourished and sicky female cat back to health for me.

I've been in Greece for 12 years mostly sailing and based on Syros for the last 10. Those of you who are old enough will have recognised the nick-name based on the early black and white children's cartoon program. You can still find it on you-tube. I'll leave you to work out the bawdy interpretation the Aussies find so hilarious.

You might also be wondering , why I would buy a 2CV \ Deux Chevaux rather than a more modern car. Yes, I have a history of owning old cars, my previous was a 1972 MGB GT. Sadly I parted with it when I moved to Greece. The Deux Chevaux struck me as the ideal car to have on Syros. Its long legs cope with all terrain and in first gear will climb the steepest drives. It is also a very simple car and easy to fix, and durable. Citroen's Europe to Peking rally is a typical adventure. So I wasn't completely off the wall to consider driving from Syros to the UK, but not ambitious enough to go to China, yet. 
The route has evolved. A quick dash to the UK to build confidence in her reliability. A more scenic route on the way back via Ireland and if Jacky and I are still speaking, Croatia and Albania into Northern Greece.


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