Cats - cats - cats... and a chair!


The way the cats crept up on me was a complete surprise. I'd always been a dog person and running a charity for sick and damaged cats was a bit of an interruption to the Greek island retirement I'd imagined.

I first found Syros in 1998 and happily travelled backwards and forwards to the UK, balancing my educational job in London, with rural island life. I've always loved travelling and dreamed of a retirement spending time in London, Greece, Devon and the rest of the world. 

The closure of a next-door butcher's shop, sent about twenty food-demanding cats to my door. I feared exponential expansion of the colony as was happening elsewhere - thus the first sterilisation programmes ensued.

My career had included plenty of project development work, fundraising, marketing and hospitality, so a cat charity didn't present so many new challenges. But I was surprised at the range of activities necessary. Cat care and fundraising sure, then some premises for sick and injured cats. Abandoned kittens to be cared for, funding to feed and medicate them, a volunteer programme to ensure regular help, with accommodation provided and as the numbers of cats rocketed, an adoption programme; helpers across Europe, ensured the choice of good homes. The logistics of trying to organise travel for the adopted cats, continues to be a challenge.

Other peripheral activities grew. A lavender field providing seeds for cat-themed sachets to sell, the making of jewellery, photography for calendars and the development of a website and social media presence. I needed all the help I could get. The cat numbers have now settled to around sixty-five at any one time and I have a manager and three or four other volunteers. We regularly help local vets with trapping and sterilising feral colonies, keeping the sick ones we round up and nursing them until they are well enough to be released or rehomed.

With things sort of under control at home, I was intrigued with the idea of a European adventure in a classic car. I've known Chris a while and trusted his mechanical and driving skills. I've travelled a lot and am confident about getting out of the troubles often encountered with flexible and adventurous plans. We're both quite laid back, don't panic and take life one day at a time. So why not? And I had a chair I wanted to take to Syros!

So far so good... we're solving problems as we go. It's always a fascinating challenge travelling with a new companion and getting to know each other. Hopefully this can continue long enough to get us to London and back to Syros by the scenic route, without too much trauma! 


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